
How to Stay Healthy and Fit during winter season

Staying Healthy and Fit is always important, but it is of utmost importance during winter season and with the looming Covid-19, we could all use some tips to do this the easy way

Motivation to stay healthy and fit can be difficult, and this can lay the foundation for a weakened immune system, posing a great risk of developing illness and contracting Covid-19.

The chilly and unpleasant weather can make it difficult to find the motivation to head outdoors for exercise.  More time than ever is spent indoors, and which means we snack more than what we would typically do at other times.

Maintaining proper diet and exercise routines is necessary, here are some winter diet and exercise tips to help you stay healthy and fit during winter’s colder months:

1. Hush the Carb Cravings

Your serotonin levels rise after consuming carbs, which will make your brain think your happier and as they day wears on, your carb cravings get stronger and stronger.  To counter this, try eating a protein packed breakfast to keep your energy levels up.  To have a low-fat snack on hand will assist when in the afternoon you still crave carbs.

2. Add Omega-3 to your diet

Omega-3 is naturally found in food types including fish, plant seeds and nuts.  Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower levels of depression, which is common during wintertime.

3. Eat more Orange and Green vegetables

To make sure you are getting health nutrients, sugar, and fats, stick to vegetables and fruits that are dark green and orange for example, spinach, kale, squash, carrots, and oranges.

4. Plan your exercise

On Sunday, write down your exercise schedule for the next week.  Choose your routines, activities or exercises for each day and the time it will take.  To workout with a friend is motivation enough to stick with it.  In this time where it is better to stay at home, you can find lots of fun workout videos and exercise online for yoga, aerobics, and other body-weight exercise.

5. Take Vitamin Supplements

To consume lots of vitamin C during the winter will assist your body to fight the cold and flu symptoms.  Vitamin D is important as it helps with the absorption of other important vitamins like Vitamin A, Iron and Calcium.

6. Sleep Longer

Use the evenings to wind down and begin relaxing before bed.  To give your body enough time to rest, try to go to bed as early as possible.

7. Meditate and Relax

If you feel anxious and stressed, it is important to know how to manage it in a healthy way.  Walking outdoors will improve your stress levels.  To develop the habit of deep breathing whenever you feel anxious is a good way to counter the anxiety.  You can find lots of ways online how to relax and meditate.


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