Eva Bruce

Eva Bruce

Preventing burnout

How to avoid burnout Feeling completely burnt out from our jobs and the many responsibilities that come with being a spouse, a parent or just being an adult happen more often than we think. We tend to get overwhelmed and…

Funeral Cover

Thinking about funeral cover Having a conversation about dying can be uncomfortable to some and, changing the subject is far easier. Unfortunately, it is a conversation you need to have; well at least with yourself. This might seem to be…

Understanding the virus

Understanding the virus When I hear someone say Covid-19, Coronavirus, The Big Rona or scientifically put SARS-CoV-2, we all immediately know what they are referring to and get hot flushes just thinking about it. Do we really know what this Virus…

Retirement Funding

Will you be able to retire? What will happen if you do not receive a paycheck or any income from your business?  Will you be able to maintain your standard of living? The most important decision to make is to…

Healthy Skin

Change your diet for better health and skin Everyone is interested in a healthy diet but we all probably eat a normal diet. Convenience is the issue as food at the office, events, and at cafeterias cannot be escaped, so…

National Wills Week – 26 – 30 October

Make sure your legacy is protected It is important to protect your legacy and your dependants should the unexpected happen.  The backbone of your succession plan is your will. 75% of South Africans die without a valid last will and…

Mental Health Awareness

Education on Mental Health is necessary October is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it is important for us to educate ourselves on this matter by reading about it and not subjecting to the stigma and discrimination that people with mental…

Car & Home Insurance

Protecting your future is as important as building it No one wants to risk financial burden because you got the wrong advice and your assets were inaccurately insured. The reason why intermediaries are here is to make sure this does…

Spring is in the air

Reasons to Love Spring Watch for kites being flown and children riding bikes, for birds carrying grass to build nests.  Look for trees turning green and baby animals making their appearance.  A wonderful season full of colour and new life…

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